Even though I went to bed at a reasonable hour, I’m really quite sleepy because it’s 7am and I’ve been up since about 5 for a day trip to Cologne my sister and I are taking. The day before last...
Well, guys. I made it to the Netherlands. It was a relatively painless train ride from the airport to the hostel I was staying at – a hostel that was pretty close to the airport so I could...
Good morning, from my last few minutes in Budapest! I am currently on the plane awaiting departure to my next stop, the Netherlands. Budapest has been a wonderful shitshow. I made some amazing...
Budapest is a nutty city. Basically, people just come here to party because everything is dirt cheap. Beer is like, the equivalent of about $.80 USD. Last night I spent about $6 USD on a mix drink at...
t this point in my life, I pretty much have perpetual sinus infections and tonsillitis. It’s not always fun, but for the most part I can deal with it. Until all of this leads to me waking up with...
So this is Vienna. Buildings dating back to the 12th century, music and opera all over the damn place, and schnitzel. I’m writing this all on my phone, and I’m quickly learning that I need to...
I realized this morning that it is Thanksgiving – not really a thing in Europe, so I very nearly forgot. Even though I’m grossed out by the origins of this holiday, I love it for what it has...
Now I’m in Prague! It’s a beautiful city: Gothic architecture mixed with Parisian style buildings. It’s lovely to just walk around here, and things are decently priced. Most importantly, beer...
What. A. Whirlwind. I honestly don’t even know where to start. But I’ll give it a shot. The last time we spoke, I was about to embark on an overnight bus to London. It was pretty much just as...
Hello again, and greetings from Glasgow! As I’m heading to London on an overnight Megabus tonight (not super excited about this other than not having to pay for accommodation tonight), I figured it...