
Well. Tonight could certainly be going better.

It’s 2am, and I’m stuck in a new hostel tonight, which is apparently a “sleeping bag dorm”; this is code for “we don’t want to pay the money to provide you sheets and blankets.” I’m curled up under a smelly towel. My only friend here is a 40 minute walk away (which is not fun in the Icelandic cold). I was supposed to return my rental car tonight for the official 8am drop off time, but I spent an hour driving around the location looking for an after-hours key drop, and I swear it DOES. NOT. EXIST. I was looking forward to sleeping in tonight, but now I have to wake up early, hope that my illegally parked rented car doesn’t have a ticket, drop off the car, and walk a half hour back to my hostel. Again, in the Icelandic cold. At least it will be during the day and not the middle of the night.

My only iPhone/iPad cable I have left completely fell apart tonight, and they naturally cost about $30 here, because Iceland. I have $235 charge on my debit card for no reason. I’m in desperate need of a shower, but my clothes haven’t been washed in who knows how long, so I wonder what the point even is. I’m completely out of underwear to the point that I’m wearing it inside out. I’m sick (hopefully just a cold) with no sense of smell, so that is probably perpetuating the problem. I’ve also gotten chubby from all the beer. Or…pregnant from all the beer.

I’m hungry, exhausted, and I just want to sleep in tomorrow, but I can’t. Because I have to return the goddamn car. I’m freezing cold and I have a headache and I think it’s allowed that I had my first meltdown tonight, right?

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